Monday, May 14, 2018

XYO NETWORK ICO Review! Blockchain’s First Proof of Location Oracle Network-let’s join now-review ico

XYO NETWORK ICO Review! Blockchain’s First Proof of Location Oracle Network-let’s join now-review ico

What is the XYO Network?

With the advent of blockchain-based, trustless smart contracts, the need for oracle services that arbitrate the outcome of a contract has grown significantly. Most current implementations of smart contracts rely on a single or aggregated set of authoritative oracles to settle the outcome of the contract. In cases where both parties can agree on the authority and incorruptibility of the specified oracle, this is sufficient. However, in many cases, either an appropriate oracle does not exist or the oracle cannot be considered authoritative because of the possibility of error or corruption. Location oracles fall into this category. The divination of the location of a physical world item relies on the reporting, relay, storage, and processing components of the given oracle, all of which introduce error and can be corrupted. Risks include data manipulation, data pollution, data loss, and collusion.
XYO Network
Thus the following problem exists: both certainty and accuracy of the location are negatively impacted by the lack of a trustless, decentralized location oracle. Platforms such as Ethereum and EOS have been used extensively for their power to mediate interactions securely online with the primary use cases involving escrows for fundraising escrows in the form of ICOs. However, up to this point, every platform has focused entirely on the online world and not on the physical world due to noisy, corruptible data integrity of current information channels. The XYO Network has been working towards the concept of enabling developers, such as those writing smart contracts for blockchain platforms, to interact with the physical world as if it were an API. The XYO Network is the world’s first oracle protocol that makes it possible for two entities to transact in the real world without a centralized third party. Our abstractions allow us to make location verification trustless for developers, creating a protocol with novel use cases that have not been possible until today. The XYO Network will be built upon an existing infrastructure of over 1,000,000 devices circulating in the world that were distributed through their consumer-facing findables business. XY’s Bluetooth and GPS devices allow everyday consumers to place physical tracking beacons on the things they want to keep track of (such as keys, luggage, bikes and even pets). If they misplace or lose such an item, they can see exactly where it is by viewing its location on a smartphone application. In just six years, the XYO Network has created one of the largest consumer Bluetooth and GPS networks in the world.


The XYO NETWORK system is a location service platform powered by the blockchain technology that aim to provide a secured,accurate and valid information of locations services by removing centralized third party.
XYO propose a trustless, cryptographic location network using a novel formulation reliant on a chain of zero-knowledge proofs to establish a high degree of data certainty on location information.
Its goal is to create access to trustless,decentralized system of location oracles that is resistance to attack and produces the highest certainty possible when required for available data.This have been achieve through a well planed strategies put forward by XYO to reduce the risk of location spoofing,location diversion and interception and dishonesty through a chain of zero knowledge proofs along the components of the system.
The most significant crypto-location platform today will be the one that focuses most on proving the origin of physical location signals.I think there is only one unique platform today which is XYO. The XYO Network is the world’s first oracle protocol that makes it possible for two entities to transact in the real world without a centralized third party.It is a well design system that detects fraudulent signals and disincentivizes the spoofing of location data.
The core innovation surrounding the XYO Network centers around an identityless, location-based proof underlying the components of the system to create a trustless, crypto-location protocol.The XYO Network is built upon an existing infrastructure of over 1,000,000 devices circulating in the world that were distributed through their consumer facing findables business. XY’s Bluetooth and GPS devices allow everyday consumers to place physical tracking beacons on the things they want to keep track of (such as keys, luggage, bikes and even pets). If they misplace or lose such an item, individual has the opportunity to see exactly where it is by viewing its location on a smartphone application.
XYO make use of devices such as Bluetooth trackers, GPStrackers, geo-location tracking built into IoT devices, satellite tracking technology, QRcode scanners, RFID scanning and many others to provide instant geo-location of any material registered on their platform globally.

XY Oracle — XYO Tokens




XYO SOLD TO DATE 1,310,447,365.19

Token Sale Details

Symbol : XYO
Coin Price : 1 XYO: = 0.0222 USD (0.00003 ETH)
Support : ERC20
Hard Cap : $15 million
*Public Sale from 3.20.18 to 5.20.18

Token Distribution

Token Sale Proceeds

XYO Token Sale will be allocated in the best way to achieve their primary vision, displacing centralized GPS. XYO believe the appropriate mix to make this happen is devoting our resources (which includes our funds, as well as the XYO Network ecosystem’s focus) on the following areas:

XYO Roadmap


XY Oracle Network With over 1 million location-verifying beacons already in the world, XYO is blockchain’s first Proof of Location oracle network. Join us in decentralizing $11 trillion dollar location-reliant trade markets.

Thanks to XYO for giving this great opportunity and Hope. Now,you can visit the site bellow for more information regarding XYO NETWORK -let’s join it right now
XYO Official Website:
XYO Telegram:
XYO Network Documentation
my bitcointalk : iphone6s3456

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